
What A Journey!

I love public speaking, facilitating and challenging myself to re-tell, re-imagine and re-image historiography from my Metis perspective.

MCing Oktoberfest YQL 2019


Explore the things that make you scared, don’t worry about things you cannot control and embrace change in it’s purest form, because no one ever discovered anything great without stepping out of their comfort zone.

In Puebla, Mexico – I delivered a keynote presentation in Huehuetla for Canada-Mexico Indigenous round table.


Discover your passions and the things that make you feel positive, daring and full of energy. Don’t be afraid to fail, as to discovering yourself, testing yourself and understanding yourself, you will inevitably run into failure, but what is success without failure anyways.

Metis Early Years Camp in BC


Experience your life. “The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why they call it a present”. Experience today, and enjoy everything that comes your way. Like Jim Carey “Just say YES man”.

About Me

I am a consultant, PHD student, Small Business Owner and Lecturer.

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Get In Touch

  • rwpconsulting27@gmail.com
  • (403) 795-1101


Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada